If you have a business or organization and would like to make the most of your use of the internet, we can meet with you to discuss ways to use the internet that would suit your particular business or organization. Here are some things you may be considering:
- what kind of site design you need, who will create it, who will manage it
- how much it will cost, how expenses can be minimized and results be maximized, and what payment plans are available
- how similar businesses or organizations are using the internet and what can you learn from them
- whether or not you should invest in certain equipment, such as a scanner or digital camera
- whether or not your site should accommodate the visually impaired and/or people with older equipment as well as newer equipment, such as smart phones and pads, to view your site
- whether or not to use e-commerce
- whether to go with a few simple security forms or a full shopping cart system
- whether or not other online services, such as auctions would benefit your business
- how to attract customers or potential members
- how to do online fundraising
- whether or not email lists, chats, bulletin boards, etc. would benefit your web site users, customers, or members and how to best use them
- where you can locate links to your web site
- whether or not to use banner ads