The internet is increasing as the way people find out about Unitarian Universalism and/or find our congregations. Your congregation or Unitarian Universalist organization needs an effective web site for today’s internet searchers.
Services provided with over 10 years experience (links open in new window):
- Web sites that are visitor-focused, easy to use and find information, easily found in search engines (SEO) – example 1 (developed in WordPress and trained the site’s manager via email) example2 (Do SEO, editing, and overall management & Google Adwords campaign).
- Web site optimization – Slideshow with audio about web sites and Google Adwords (whether you use our services or not, you’re free to learn about some best practices and common problems with UU sites).
- Four of the testimonials for my service are from UUs.
- Slideshow for the above UU group about their Google Adwords campaign here.
- Understanding Google Adwords slideshow with audio prepared for 2 congregations.
- Set up and training for volunteers for use in Social Media: YouTube, Facebook, Blogs, Twitter, and wikis available (includes face-to-face or remote training if you’re not in the DC area).
See resume here with UUA District award for web design and outreach.
Reasonable prices offered.