As the internet grows, so do the possibilities for more features. You could add a Blog, Podcast, Video, Photo Albums, Social Networks, and you can make money through ads posted on your site or build a larger customer or membership base through advertising on the web.
Social Networks
Podcasts are audio. Many organizations and businesses have speakers at special events. Let that special event draw visitors to your site long after the event is over by offering it in audio form. Training and consulting is available so that you can provide this feature for your web visitors, potential clients or members.
Blogging is a way that you can keep your visitors, members, clients, and potential members or clients informed on a regular basis. Share with them what is new just by logging in and typing. We can set up your blog for a small fee and training can be done via email since this is such an easy feature to implement.
Chat is sometimes used when both internet and live communication are desired. If you have the right web site solution, the needed software might be right at your disposal. Let us help you set it up for a small fee and simple instructions come with it.
Video is a very popular feature. You can post it on your web site or post it on YouTube or some other venue as a way to help get people to your web site.
Social Networks are very popular with young adults, businesses, media, community organizations, and many others whom you may want to reach. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and a growing number of social networks are available to you free. We can help you set them up and learn to use them. There are special icons available to add to your web site. You also want to encourage people to share your web pages on these networks to help promote your business or organization.
Ads can attract newcomers to your site using search terms that may not be bringing your site up now. Google Adwords is the most popular. We have several years of experience using this solution. If you’d like your web site to make money you could place ads on your site. We have several years of experience with Google Adsense and a few other advertising solutions.
We can help you to decide which features would best help your business or organization through our consulting service or by providing a speaker to address your group.
Call us to see what we can do for you: 301-782-9922. PayPal is accepted.